Commonly 2°C has been seen as the threshold for dangerous climate change, although last year the IPCC report on 1.5°C revealed that at that lower level we enter a zone where tipping points may take us to 4°C and beyond.
Levels of 4°C threaten civilisation as we know it. At 6°C we worry about the survival of the human race. However, at that point Tapio Schneider and his team at the California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, have found that there may be a further tipping point which heats the planet another 8°C to make it 14°C above pre-industrial levels (New Scientist, so probably pay-walled.)
How is this so?
- Schneider’s team modelled stratocumulus clouds over subtropical oceans, which cover around 7 per cent of Earth’s surface and cool the planet by reflecting the sun’s heat back into space. They found there was a sudden transition when CO2 levels reached around 1200 parts per million (ppm) — the stratocumulus clouds broke up and disappeared.
The loss of the reflective effect of the clouds would lead to runaway warming which would start as CO2 levels reached 1200. If we do nothing to curb emissions, CO2 levels would could expect to pass 1200 ppm some decades after 2100.
Other scientists not involved in the research have said the findings make sense, but no-one is too worried about it as they assume that we will in fact curb emissions.
If they looked at the issue of tipping points cutting in from 1.5°C, a point where the whole scenario is taken out of our hands, they might worry a bit more.
The researchers believe that dissipating clouds could explain the extreme warming event of the Paleocene–Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM) 55m years ago, when global temperatures increased by 5-8°C and drove widespread extinction of species on both the oceans and land. CO2 levels then were not high enough to produce the warming that actually happened, so the dissipation of clouds may indeed have played a pert.
While there were extinctions generally, there was an increase in mammalian abundance, including primates during the PETM. However, we are putting CO2 into the atmosphere somewhere between 20 and 120 times as fast as happened in the PETM, which makes evolutionary human adaptation extremely unlikely if we reach the tipping point this study indicates.
Moreover, in the post CO2 is scrambling our brains, but will it kill us all? we found that it would be extreme folly on health grounds alone to allow CO2 levels to exceed 600 ppm. As a species we have flourished with CO2 levels mostly at 180 to 280 ppm.
I would also caution that the continents and oceans are differently disposed on the surface of the earth during the PETM 55 mya. 14°C warming would indeed be cataclysmic in our world.
In that post, I included a graph from October 2015, when the participating countries had put in their intended actions prior to the Paris Agreement:
It’s not clear which path we are taking, except it is not the green line.
Here again is our current record from the Australian BOM State of the Climate 2018 report:
There is a longer article on the paper at Carbon Brief.
The article Possible climate transitions from breakup of stratocumulus decks under greenhouse warming can be purchased at Nature Geoscience.
Doesn’t look good for my recently born grandson. Depending on which of your graphs we use he will still be looking at twice the CO2 level when I was born by the time he is more age.
Go Greta.
John Davidson (Re: MARCH 22, 2019 AT 9:57 AM)
Just clarifying – are you being serious or sarcastic?
Posted in the SMH on March 15 is an article by Peter Hannam headlined Government climate plan stalled after Berejiklian took over, documents show. The article begins with:
Gladys’ apparent (lack of) action on climate change appears not good for the future of your recently born grandson.
Confusion over names. Comment now reads go Greta.
BTW. One of my friends keeps talking about the earth being close to a Maunder minimum. Google didn’t produce anything clear. what do you know?
John Davidson (Re: MARCH 22, 2019 AT 12:48 PM)
I’m glad that’s been clarified.
May I suggest to you that you clarify with your friend where that notion comes from. Ask for a reference so that you may check out the veracity of the information. Who knows – it may come from JoNova or WattsUpWithThat?
At SkepticalScience.com there’s this page headlined A grand solar minimum would barely make a dent in human-caused global warming.
And this page headlined Are we heading into a new Ice Age?
Perhaps you could refer your friend to the SkepticalScience info? Or would that be a futile exercise – for your friend does ideology trump facts/evidence?
Does that help?
John, a Maunder Minimum is about sun spots, or a lack of them.
Imagine the sun as a beach ball, 4 feet in diameter (1.22m). The earth is a grape about 150m away. Are changes in sunspots seriously going to make a difference to the weather?
Inigo Jones thought they did and I’m sure many farmers thought so too. They used to run his forecasts on the ABC in the bush.
I recall his successor, Lennox Walker, advertising sprinklers on TV along with his forecast of a dry summer. It turned out to be one of the wettest ever.
Brian: Maunder min was associated with the little ice age when the Thames froze a few centuries ago. We appear to be going into a sunspot minimum at the moment that implies that the temperatures we a getting at the moment are lower than the average we would expect with the current GHG levels.
On the other hand, Wikapedia had this to say about sunspot activity and the little ice age:
Worth reading the whole article and googling more on the subject of solar minimum and the effect of climate. The stuff that came up in my research felt a bit iffy.
From SkepticalScience.com page Are we heading into a new Ice Age? it includes (at the Basic tab):
CO2 concentrations are dominating natural effects.
Compare the CO2 levels during the Maunder Minimum (between 1645 and 1715), the Dalton Minimum (a period of low but not as low as the Maunder Minimum solar activity between 1790 and 1830) and current day.
After hundreds of thousands of years of CO2 levels never exceeding 300 parts per million in air, the concentration of the greenhouse gas is now over 400 parts per million, continuing a rise that began with the Industrial Revolution.
Nothing gets done about CO2 emissions because well-funded fossil fuel companies lobby governments and spread disinformation to delay action.
See The Guardian article headlined Top oil firms spending millions lobbying to block climate change policies, says report, posted yesterday.
Welcome to Venus.
And by the way, it may be helpful for you to reconsider any plans you may have to purchase waterfront coastal property: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2019-03-25/totten-glacier-antarctica-research-using-seismic-study/10936998
Thanks for the link, Graham. It was on the TV news tonight.
I’ve always said that parts of East Antarctica would go, along with melting on West Antarctica and Greenland. Not the whole 7 metres worth of Totten, but enough to cause grief towards the end of the century.
Posted yesterday in the SMH is an article by Clancy Yeates headlined Why climate change risks are ‘material’ for big finance. It begins with:
Further in to the article it says:
Will it be too little, too late?
Risk management should rank high on super funds duties to their customers. This includes reputational risks associated with things like investing in fossil fuels and the risk climate change is posing to various industries that super funds invest in.
Problem with F is that his party has made things that should be a matter of common sense into political issues because what his party wants to do is contrary to common sense.
John Davidson (Re: MARCH 26, 2019 AT 12:23 PM)
“Contrary to common sense” from an existential threat to humanity perspective – yes.
But the COALition appear to be looking after the short-term interests of their fossil fuel donors. Apparently, who pays the piper, calls the tune.
Look at what ON has apparently been up to:
Posted today in the SMH is an article by Matthew Knott headlined Sting operation catches One Nation seeking funds from US pro-gun groups. It begins with:
Follow the money.
Emissions at record high for 2018
I used to relax watching cooking shows on TV. Now I can’t relax with anything to do with cooking because cooking has moved from niche entertainment into mainstream news – and we have changed from being viewers to being one of the ingredients.
Seriously though, if things are left unchecked, that 910ppm and even 1200ppm might be passed long before the Year 2100. There is no comfort in knowing that life on Earth survived a 5 to 8 degree temperature rise in the PETM because, as stated, we are pumping carbon dioxide, among other material, into our atmosphere at 20 to 120 time the rate in PETM – so we are talking about two very different situations here. The Anthropocene and its effects are definitely not the PETM. That said, there is still a lot we can learn by a swift and furious study of the PETM.
Wonder how long it will be before the word, genocide, enters discussions on human responsibility for the deteriorating situation?
John, thanks for the link. I think the total referred to (33.1 billion tonnes) represents fossil fuel direct emissions as taken from adding up countries’ national accounts. The real figure of CO2 equivalent would be over 50 billion. The Stern Review in 2006 was talking about around 42 billion, from memory.
This is why the real figure to take notice of to tell how we are going is the atmospheric PPM concentrations.
However, there are useful stories in these accounts.