On Saturday 26, July Len and I together with my wife are setting out for Alice Springs and points beyond, returning via the Simpson’s Desert. Len’s wife is doing the smart thing and flying out to the Alice to join us there. If we return it will be on 19 or 20 August. This week my thoughts are turning in that direction with increasing excitement and some trepidation. So blogging might be sporadic this week. After that I won’t be looking at a computer screen until we get back.
(Image from here.)
I will set up the Saturday Salon posts ahead of time, but with no topical input from me, as I’m not clairvoyant!
I’m not usually a happy camper, and have avoided it most of my life, but we’ve invested in modern gear including sleeping bags rated to -10°C. I think a howling westerly and a sand storm would be the most unpleasant. We’ll be doing the desert crossing in a convoy of five, with all sorts of emergency and recovery equipment. No-one in the group has actually done it before, but the detail of planning engenders a deal of confidence, so here’s hoping!
The ‘featured image’ on the front page is from here.
Have a good trip.
If you go through Roma and visit mining musem, the “big red truck” that you will see there belonged to my Uncle John who carted oil pipes around the desert that you will be passing through. Your photos will be of great interest.
Thanks BilB, we may be able to do the Roma thing. We are actually heading out and returning via Emerald, borrowing my nephew’s 4WD. We come back via Roma and stay overnight at Dulacca at my sisters. So that day should be a fairly easy stage on good road, compatible with spending a few hours in Roma.
Have agood trip, Brian.
By the time you get back I’ll be on NBN.
Thanks, Paul.
Good that you can get hooked up to the NBN before the Age of Entitlement runs out of puff!
Have fun, Brian! Sounds like a great trip.
No, no, you’ve got it all wrong. It’s not a hiatus at all: it’s a pause for quiet reflection, a contemplative occasion, a cogitative period. There’s a world of difference!
Do you want someone to carry your bags? …. 🙂